Inspiring Play and Innovation: Whakamaru and Benneydale Schools Lead the Way

Inspiring outdoor play happening at Whakamaru and Benneydale Schools, with beautiful sunshine and inspiring initiatives! Exciting times ahead for both schools as these engaging and innovative approaches continue to evolve!

What a fantastic week of outdoor play at Whakamaru, blessed with beautiful sunshine! The Year 3 and 4 tamariki are incredibly proud of the Hunting Hut they built together. At one point, a curious boy popped up and asked, “Are you guys doing some work?”—a perfect glimpse into the collaboration, planning, and teamwork that shaped this real-life “Play.”

Huge thanks to Lianne Baker for creating such engaging learning spaces that inspire tamariki through play, creativity, and design!

Fantastic to see these Year 7 & 8 girls from Whakamaru School creating their own game by adapting traditional poi rakau techniques. So much happening on the Central Plateau!

Exciting opportunities are unfolding in Leanda Moore’s Year 7 & 8 class at Whakamaru School. These senior tamariki have been busy building possum traps for the school grounds, sparked by their own observations of possum and rat activity. This ongoing project has involved the local council, who are helping the students map out trapping plans and share their findings.

Benneydale School – Building C: Bringing junior and senior students together for collaborative play, blending indoor activities with outdoor fun. A big thank you to Donna and Jacqui, our wonderful Benneydale teachers!

Preparing for Box Wars: Last term, Jacqui had a brilliant idea to trial combining ‘Discovery/Play’ sessions for Years 0-8 on Monday and Tuesday mornings. Play then continues throughout the week in the Junior area (Years 0-4), incorporating valuable teaching moments.

Though it’s still early days, the approach is already thriving, thanks to the enthusiastic collaboration of Junior teachers Greta and Donna, who are job-sharing, with support from Lynnie (the LAT). Creative interactions and new opportunities are unfolding throughout the school.

Jacqui, Greta, Donna, and Lynnie will have plenty to share as this integrated play approach evolves. Exciting times ahead!