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Teaching Strategy – Education & Environment
Sustainable education is a whole-system teaching strategy, giving students long-term solutions to support environmental prosperity, now and into the future.
Longworth Education designed Managing Outdoor Play in the Mainstream School Setting, as an introduction to this approach, focusing on outdoor play.
The Workshop shows how education in a natural environment also encourages young learners to shift away from toys and plastic towards more reusable items in schools.
Sustainable resourcing of a play environment, means supporting responsible citizenship and the health of our natural eco-system.
We encourage a shift in mentality that starts with the basics; looking at plastic used in classrooms and how, over time it can be transferred to more environmentally friendly resources.
Challenge students to think about how their actions impact the environment, and encourage ways to turn those practices around.
For example, on the topic of plastic, ask them how using plastic over bio-degradable options impacts the world negatively? Where does plastic go? What happens to plastic over time?
A teaching strategy like this does not require a huge shift – start by encouraging play in a dynamic natural environment, where students begin to cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity.
Incorporating nature into all content areas, allows for a change in thinking that sees school playgrounds transformed into vibrant learning spaces.
By allowing children to spend time in nature, they feel more connected to the world around them, and learn how to advocate for it.
Research shows interactive outdoor areas lead to increased physical activity, improved student behavior and improved relationships with parents and community.
Our workshop is designed for schools who understand the importance of having children play both inside the classroom, but who may need support to extend play into the outdoor environment.
We will cover practical ways to make the most of outdoor areas; dealing with challenges of children playing outside – risk assessment/ health and safety compliance; The importance of secret places; Creating conditions that link with the NZ curriculum – key competencies and learning areas.
Also, learning how to plan for outside play and what teachers do when children are playing outside.
Find our latest Managing Outdoor Play in the Mainstream School Setting Workshops and sign up via the website HERE: